El blog de Camisetas Silvicious: VIEWONSTREET CON NUESTRA CAMISETA!!



Hola a todos!! Pequeño post para hacernos eco del look creado con la camiseta FLOR DE LOTO por una de nuestras bloggers preferidas: Viewonstreet! Como nos gusta tanto como ha combinado nuestra camiseta, hemos creado un look inspirado en su estilo! Esperamos que os guste y no dejéis de visitar su blog!!! Si quieres conocer más sobre nuestra camiseta, entra en www.silvicious.com y descubre su significado!  

Hello! Small post to present you the look created with the shirt LOTUS FLOWER by one of our favorite bloggers: Viewonstreet! As much as we like to have combined our shirts, we have created a look inspired by her style! We hope you enjoy it and don't miss her blog! If you want to know more about our tshirt, enter www.silvicious.com and discover its meaning!

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